European Month Of Photography 2023

European Month of Photography, Berlin Polixeni Papapetrou
European Month of Photography, Berlin Polixeni Papapetrou from

Photography From Around The World

Beginning in 2021, the European Month of Photography (EMOP) is an annual celebration of photography from around the world. The EMOP is a month-long event, comprising exhibitions, screenings, lectures and workshops. The event is organised by the European Center for Photography, and is held in a different city every year. This year, the European Month of Photography will take place in Paris, France, from April to May 2023, and will feature exhibitions and events from professional and amateur photographers from across the continent.

What to Expect From EMOP 2023

The European Month of Photography 2023 is set to be an exciting event, with a plethora of exhibitions, screenings and workshops taking place during the month. The event will showcase a range of photography from around the world, with exhibitions featuring the work of amateur and professional photographers alike. The exhibitions will cover a broad range of topics, including documentary, portraiture, landscape, street photography, and more.

In addition to the exhibitions, there will be a range of screenings and lectures, allowing photographers to gain insight from some of the most experienced professionals in the industry. There will also be a number of workshops held throughout the month, providing photographers with an opportunity to develop their skills and gain knowledge from experienced professionals.

Who Will Attend EMOP 2023?

The European Month of Photography 2023 will attract a broad range of photographers from around the world. Professional photographers from Europe and beyond will be attending the event, as well as amateurs and enthusiasts who are passionate about photography.

The EMOP will also attract a range of industry professionals, such as curators, gallery owners and media professionals. This will provide photographers with an opportunity to network and potentially gain recognition for their work.

How to Participate in EMOP 2023

The European Month of Photography 2023 is open to all photographers, regardless of experience or nationality. Participants must submit their work to the EMOP website, and the submissions will be reviewed by a panel of industry professionals. The panel will select a number of photographers to be featured in the exhibitions and events during the month.

In addition to the exhibitions and events, there will also be opportunities for photographers to take part in workshops, lectures and screenings. The workshops will provide photographers with an opportunity to learn new techniques and develop their skills, while the screenings and lectures will allow them to gain insight from experienced professionals.


The European Month of Photography 2023 promises to be an exciting event, featuring a range of exhibitions, screenings, lectures and workshops. Professional and amateur photographers from around the world are invited to take part in the event, and gain knowledge and recognition for their work. The event is a great opportunity for photographers to network and gain valuable experience.

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