Low Light Photography Settings On Nikon Cameras

Nikon D5200 Night Scene Nikon D5200 Night Shot low light… Flickr
Nikon D5200 Night Scene Nikon D5200 Night Shot low light… Flickr from www.flickr.com


Low light photography is a great challenge for any photographer. It can be a difficult task to make the perfect photo in a low light environment. But, with the right settings and techniques, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. With the right settings, you can create beautiful photos in even the darkest of environments. In this article, we will discuss the best low light photography settings for Nikon cameras.

Shutter Speed

The shutter speed is one of the key settings when it comes to low light photography. A slow shutter speed allows more light to enter the camera and can create stunning photos in low light conditions. However, too slow of a shutter speed can cause blurriness due to camera shake. It is important to find the right balance between a slow enough shutter speed to let in enough light, and a fast enough shutter speed to avoid blurriness. Generally, a shutter speed of 1/60th of a second or slower is best for low light photography.


ISO is another important setting when it comes to low light photography. In low light conditions, you will usually need to increase the ISO in order to let in more light. However, increasing the ISO can also increase the amount of digital noise in the image. It is important to find the right balance between increasing the ISO to let in enough light and keeping the ISO low enough to avoid digital noise. In general, an ISO of 400 or lower is recommended for low light photography.


The aperture setting is also important for low light photography. A wide aperture allows more light to enter the camera and can help create stunning photos in low light conditions. However, too wide of an aperture can cause the image to be too blurry and can also reduce the depth of field. It is important to find the right balance between a wide enough aperture to let in enough light, and a narrow enough aperture to avoid blurriness and maintain the depth of field. Generally, an aperture of f/2.8 or wider is recommended for low light photography.

White Balance

White balance is an important setting to consider when shooting in low light conditions. It is important to set the white balance correctly in order to avoid color shifts and color casts in the images. In general, it is best to set the white balance to “auto” or “auto white balance” when shooting in low light conditions. This will allow the camera to adjust the white balance automatically to match the lighting conditions.

Focus Mode

Focus mode is another important setting when it comes to low light photography. It is best to use a “continuous focus” mode, such as “AF-C” or “AI Servo” when shooting in low light conditions. This will allow the camera to continuously adjust the focus in order to keep the subject in focus, even when it is moving. It is also important to use the camera’s focus points in order to ensure that the subject is in focus.

Exposure Compensation

Exposure compensation is also important when shooting in low light conditions. It is important to adjust the exposure compensation in order to ensure that the subject is correctly exposed in the image. In general, it is best to increase the exposure compensation by 1 to 2 stops in order to ensure that the subject is correctly exposed in the image.

Long Exposures

Long exposures can be a great way to capture stunning images in low light conditions. By using a tripod and a shutter release cable, you can take long exposures in order to let in more light and create beautiful images. Long exposures can also be used to create motion blur and light trails, which can be a great way to add creative elements to your images.

Noise Reduction

Noise reduction is an important setting when it comes to low light photography. As we mentioned earlier, increasing the ISO can result in digital noise in the images. It is important to enable the noise reduction setting in order to reduce the amount of digital noise in the images. It is also important to make sure that the noise reduction setting is set to the correct level for the lighting conditions.


Low light photography can be a great challenge for any photographer. But, with the right settings and techniques, it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. In this article, we discussed the best low light photography settings for Nikon cameras. We discussed the importance of shutter speed, ISO, aperture, white balance, focus mode, exposure compensation, long exposures, and noise reduction. By following the tips outlined in this article, you will be able to create stunning photos in even the darkest of environments.

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